
Katie Adams
Library Assistant

Birthday Book Club
Celebrate your child on his/her birthday by donating a book to the Herrington Library. Books are selected new book arrivals, and the cost is $15.00. A bookplate with the child’s name and birthday will be placed in the front of the book, and he/she will be the first to check out the book. The honoree’s name and a picture will also be added to our Birthday Book display in the library. In addition, his/her birthday will be celebrated during the week on the school’s morning broadcast.

Here is how the program works:

  • At the beginning of the month of your child’s birthday we will send a birthday book club order form home with your child.  Return the form with the $15 (cash or check).  The child will then come to the library to select a book.  Please include your driver’s license number with checks.
  • We can celebrate your child’s birthday no matter when it was-don’t worry if you missed it!
Bluebonnet Books